Kamala Magar is a single mother with three children. Kabita, the elder daughter is 15 and the twins Advika and Advik are not yet three years old. Dark clouds gathered in Kamala’s life when she lost her husband in a jeep accident on January 18, 2021. He was a jeep driver and the single breadwinner of the family. After her husband’s death, Kamala was left alone with her nine-month-old twins and 13-year-old Kabita, not knowing how to provide for her family. She had no one to watch her young children. The twins are still too young. In the meantime, they go to pre-school, but their mother has to bring them and pick them up again. While the children are at school, Kamala earns a few rupees as a housemaid in the neighborhood. With that, she is able to pay for the bare necessities.
With the support of Tara Namaste, Kamala and her family have been able to get some breathing space. Kamala was able to pay her rent and school fees for her children. Kamala is very grateful for the support.